Those who supporting to continue Matara case should go to the hell
Those who are supporting to continue Matara case against me should go to the hell in a parallel time of continuing it.
Maintenance ordinance of Sri Lanka has become the rain ordinance of Sri Lanka.
13 Wendia Matara case 1 vahuwoth Apa Hari ganna puluwan.Nathan Apath naa.
I should not stop doing merits for my Nibbana attain enlightment eventhough dogs and bitches are available in the road.
No votes will be received in this election
Any person who has a direct or indirect connection with Matara case/not try to close it while having ability to do so will not receive any votes in this election. One vote or two vote may be received from a Dog or a bitch!
No One in Mtara can marry
No one in Matra can marry until my court case in Matara will be permanantly closed Eg:Until September 2024.
Those who are obstructing to take my child near me physically should go to hell.
ALL CONTRIBUTED TO THIS MUST GO TO THE HELL EXACTLY AS TO THE TIME CHILD WAS NOT NEAR ME. But I should be a Lord Buddha. All the appeals should be dismissed without hearing until the child will be given physically as to the Judgment.